Can You Handle the Unpleasant Consequences of Divorce?
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney
Divorce brings change and grief because it is the loss of the “happy family” dream. Hurts, disappointments, loneliness, failure, rejection, and inadequacy can all take hold of the psyche when we are in this extremely vulnerable stage.
To be able to cope with the ups and downs of divorce, it is necessary to have a support system of family and friends who will be there to help you emotionally and practically when needed.
One of the hardest consequences of divorce is having to face another person’s pain, be it your children’s, your family or friends, because divorce affects so many people’s lives.
If you are the one choosing the divorce, you will have to be firm in your conviction to end the marriage in the face of all these people and circumstances. Even if you are the one who does not want the divorce, you will still need to get ready to accept the following consequences of a failed marriage. To know if you are ready, ask yourself if you are prepared for the following changes;
- If you don’t want changes to your finances, lifestyle or traditions then you are not ready for divorce;
- If you cannot accept your children’s sadness and anger then you are not ready for divorce;
- If you cannot accept times of insecurity, fear and the unknown, then you are not ready for divorce;
- If you are not willing to let go of your spouse mentally, emotionally and spiritually, then you are not ready for divorce.
Make your own list of the unpleasant consequences of divorce. Balance those consequences against the positive aspects that getting divorced may have for you. There will surely be some factors that weigh more heavily than others that will help you make your decision, one way or the other.
If you have questions or are looking for advice about your specific situation, please contact me directly at 248.855.5656 or [email protected].
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