Category: Before Divorce
Marriage and Divorce: What to Consider Before Getting Married
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney With so many marriages ending in divorce, one might wonder why couples decide to get married at all. As a divorce attorney, I can tell you that before you take “the plunge,” you should carefully consider the following factors: Don’t Rush In Take your time to really get to know […]
How Much Does Divorce Cost?
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney If you are thinking about filing for divorce, you have probably taken many factors into consideration including you’re your children’s’ wellbeing, custody and child support, your finances and more. One of the top questions at this stage is, “How much will divorce cost me?” Since all divorce situations are different, […]
Filing for Divorce: The Documents Explained
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney Filing for divorce is not only a difficult emotional decision, it can be a confusing legal process for all parties involved. The following list details many of the documents that may be included in the initial filing of a divorce. Summons A summons notifies the other spouse that a suit […]
Divorce and the Holidays
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney Getting through the holidays in a divorce situation can be a very troubling period. Some of the suggestions below may help you through this difficult time in a positive way. 1. Make sure that whatever you do is in the best interests of your children. Most court judgments provide for […]
How Divorce, Separate Maintenance and Annulment Differ
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney Divorce: Michigan is known as a “no fault” divorce state. In order to get divorced, it must be alleged that: “There has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can […]
3 Important Considerations in Working with Your Attorney
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney Ending a marriage is often a traumatic experience. Good divorce attorneys are aware of the emotional impact and do their best to relieve anxiety by providing solutions to the problems you may encounter during your divorce. Here are 3 important Considerations to follow when you are working with your divorce […]
When Is Your Marriage Over?
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney If you’re in a marriage that’s struggling, you might be trying to determine whether it can be saved, or whether you and your spouse are facing an inevitable breakup. If you’re stuck in limbo and don’t know where your marriage is heading, and you’ve tried counseling for several weeks, ask […]
How Holiday Stress Can Impact Your Marriage
By Daniel H. Moss, Attorney ‘Tis the season to be busy! For many, the Christmas season is a festive, yet hectic time. There’s a great deal of anticipation at this time of year for adults and children alike. While the holidays can mean magic is in the air for children, couples often struggle with a […]
Should You Fight for Sole Custody?
By Daniel H Moss, Attorney Before you fight for sole custody of your children in divorce, make sure it’s what’s best for the kids. While in certain circumstances, this might be what is best for the children, in many cases, the desire to gain sole custody is based on the emotional impact of a failed […]
When do most people file for divorce?
By Daniel H. Moss, Attorney If you’re contemplating divorce, one of the decisions that can cause a lot of stress is when to file. Do you file as soon as you’ve made the decision or wait until the “right” time? If you decide to wait, when is the right time? For some, family events, promotions […]